For individuals looking to shed confining skin, leaders daring to lead with more humanity or anyone seeking greater freedom and internal coherence, let’s go on a journey together.
Our journey together will be as unique as the wilderness inside you. There are many ways to enter, to travel within and ways to return. I will listen with you, stand beside you and honor your own ways of knowing. Though I’ve navigated my own inner wilderness and have skills to share, only you have access to the territory. I’m always humbled to be invited on such an adventure.
Portal to Learning
I prefer to initiate our work together with the Enneagram, the Wheel of Wisdom or the Gene Keys as primary portals to learning. These frameworks serve as starting points to map the territory. Much can be learned in a series of 5 sessions. At the end of this series, you’ll know more freedom and creative agency in all aspects of your life, and experience less fear in expressing all of who you are, both your essential gifts as well as your dynamic shadows.
A single 90-minute session $250
A series of five 90-minute sessions $1,000
For individuals without access to this level of financial capacity, I intend to make our journey together as accessible as possible. You determine the level of contribution that reflects the value you receive as well as your capacity to give. Reciprocity can come in many forms including trade, artwork, or a home cooked meal.
In the words of Charles Eisenstein, one of my virtual mentors in simpler ways of living, “Gratitude is our native state. Generosity is its maturation.”
“As a leadership coach, Lisa has shown me how to wrestle with competing forces–even the ones I had labeled irreconcilable. With her support and guidance, I have found ways to energize inside of conflict, whether it be actual “on the ground” issues, or the sparring of my own internal demons and better angels. I am finding ways to cast off the archetypes of traditional leadership in favor of expressing myself genuinely. And my team, my whole organization, for that matter, is refreshingly responsive. Lisa is interwoven grace and tenacity; equal parts gunnery sergeant and zen master.”
“Lisa and I have collaborated on several projects, and I have learned there are two things you can count on with her. First, she will bring authenticity to the work. That is, there will be no competing agendas, no distractions, no ego. She will engage honestly, directly, and transparently. It’s so refreshing. Second, Lisa will bring a generous spirit to the collaboration—every time. She is a person of deep integrity, and the work is always about creating a positive outcome for the client, the community, and the world. Being with Lisa always helped me feel more energized and more hopeful about my work.”
“Lisa is a deep listener and sows seeds for change that resonate long after she has left the room. Her authentic spirit leads us to new places where we can tap into our full potentials and see the vision for a world healed and enlivened by collaboration and creativity. ”